Emergency Numbers

West Mercia Police

Emergency Situations: 999 or 112

Non Emergency Situations: 101

Marden is covered by Hereford Rural North Safer Neighbourhood Team

PS Mark Jones – Tel: 07773 034427

PCSO Adam Westlake – Tel: 07773 052580

PCSO Christina Howard – 07773 052529

Team email: herefordruralnorth@contact.neighbourhoodmatters.co.uk

Hereford and Worcester Fire Service

Emergency Situations: 999 or 112

Non Emergency Situations: 111

email: info@hwfire.org.uk

Hereford Fire Station, St. Owen Street, Hereford, HR1 2JW

Wye Valley NHS Trust

Emergency Situations: 999 or 112

Non Emergency Situations: 111

Main switchboard: Tel: 01432 355444


Welsh Water

Emergency water or waste water reporting line Tel: 0800 052 0130


Western Power Distribution

Emergency Situations: Tel: 105 or online https://www.westernpower.co.uk/power-cut-information/how-to-report-a-power-cut

National Grid Gas

Emergency Situations: Tel:  0800 111 999 

To report a gas or carbon monoxide emergency, or if a pipeline is struck (even if no gas leak has occurred)

call 0800 111 999 – 24 hours a day.