Mothers’ Union


  • Meeting place: St Ethelbert’s Room at St Mary’s Church Marden (depending on availability – check Marden News & Views for monthly notices)
  • 2:30 pm 1st Tuesday of the month

The Mothers’ Union is an international Christian membership movement supporting families and communities in need of help in the UK and worldwide since 1876. More than 4 million members are active in 84 countries and work tirelessly to serve their communities whilst offering Christian care for families regardless of faith or background. In 2016 Mothers union representatives from accross the globe attended to United Nations Commission on the status of women to lobby governments on women’s enconomic empowerment. Mothers Union is also consulted when UK parliament seeks to amend family legistlation.

Marden Branch is a small group which focuses on faith and fellowship. Mothers union is open to all, men and women alike; if you are Christian, believe in the importance of family life, and would like to be part of this organisation, please contact us


  • Penny Godfrey Tel: 01432 880101