Sutton Walls Conservation Group

Sutton Walls Conservation Group is a charity registered in England & Wales
Registration Number 1175194

Villagers from Marden and Sutton St. Nicholas responded to a call from Historic England to form a community group to conserve Sutton Walls which is a scheduled ancient monument, comprising the remains of an ancient Iron Age hillfort and is of a great historical significance.

We are now a registered charity and have leased Sutton Walls for 25 years. We hope to conserve the monument through appropriate restoration work, environmental protection and the education of the public.

A Conservation Management Plan will form an initial 10 year plan which highlights the areas of concern within the scheduled area, outlines general management plans for the monument and produces a detailed action plan and map for works required to achieve the ideal appearance and future sustainable management for the site.

Activities are undertaken in consultation with Historic England.

For further details of forthcoming events or to get involved visit our website:

